原文出處:p.s. Peter Shankman : The Greatest Customer Service Story Ever Told, Starring Morton’s Steakhouse
【Foreword from translator】譯者序 by hoyi
I happened to read this short interesting article last night, enjoyed it very much.
As an ordinary bank teller, I’ve been told that perfect customer satisfaction is somehow an ultimate goal of my career, that is, shall the customer smite you on the right cheek, you must smile and turn to him the left also.
No. It’s not like that. Sacrifice of dignity never will earn the corporate satisfied customers. Only innovative and well-organized employee training program / customer service plan / CRM system will.
Anyway, let’s get to the story. I shall thank the original author, Mr. Peter Shankman, for kindly authorizing me to translate this article into Chinese. Shall there be any points that do not comply with the original article and / or over-interpretation, it’s the translator who to be blamed.
總之,我們還是開始看故事吧。我要在這裡謝謝原作者,Peter Shankman先生,大方授權我將這篇短文譯成中文。倘若有任何與原文不符之處及/或過度詮釋,譯者承擔所有責任。
【Foreword from translator】譯者序 by hoyi
I happened to read this short interesting article last night, enjoyed it very much.
As an ordinary bank teller, I’ve been told that perfect customer satisfaction is somehow an ultimate goal of my career, that is, shall the customer smite you on the right cheek, you must smile and turn to him the left also.
No. It’s not like that. Sacrifice of dignity never will earn the corporate satisfied customers. Only innovative and well-organized employee training program / customer service plan / CRM system will.
Anyway, let’s get to the story. I shall thank the original author, Mr. Peter Shankman, for kindly authorizing me to translate this article into Chinese. Shall there be any points that do not comply with the original article and / or over-interpretation, it’s the translator who to be blamed.
總之,我們還是開始看故事吧。我要在這裡謝謝原作者,Peter Shankman先生,大方授權我將這篇短文譯成中文。倘若有任何與原文不符之處及/或過度詮釋,譯者承擔所有責任。